We had 13 keen Wild Bikers gathered at Stockton Heath Primary School on Saturday morning for a training session on group riding skills, a great way to learn in a safe environment.
Our very own WBCC member Paul L, who also happens to be an official British Cycling trainer, took the group through some key bike safety checks and basic bike handling skills before setting us off around the playground with a variety of drills and activities, giving us a chance to put the theory and tips into practice. The practical activities covered a wide range of skills included cornering, accelerating and braking safely within a group. We also learnt how to focus on staying close the rider in front and manoeuvring into restricted spaces in a controlled manner. Unfortunately the sun wasn't shining for our session and was rather cooler than it has been of late. However Paul kept us all moving so we didn't get too cold, in fact there was even some heat generated in a team pursuit! Paul provided a really enjoyable session with some constructive advice, and in true WBCC style once the session was over we adjourned to the nearest coffee shop for refreshment!
Thanks to everyone who attended and especially to Paul for his time.
Words & image supplied by Andrea H.