A big thanks to all members who attended the AGM on Friday, we had a great turn out and noticeably higher than last years.
There was a big thank you to Chris Turner for his contribution over the last few years as club secretary, along with thanks for all members of the committee for their continued contribution. We’re happy to say that Chris will remain on the committee in a supporting role.
Election of new committee members took place with the following nominees stepping up:
- Club Chair – Ashley Glover
- Club Secretary – Kirsty Merriman
- Committee Member – Peter Mason
All other existing committee members have remained in place.

There were nine awards this year (in the form of a Cyclehouse voucher to which Cyclehouse have contributed 20% of the cost), with each ride group having their ‘Frequent Flyer’ awarded. We also had the regular ‘Wonky Wheel’ for the member most prone to mechanical and the ‘Most Improved’ rider. On top of these, we have the two awards voted by the members for ‘Riders’ Ride Leader’ and Riders’ Rider.
And the winners were . . . .
- Riders’ Ride Leader (£35) - P Turner
- Riders’ Rider (£35) – P Birtles
- Most Improved (£25) – A Howard
- Wonky Wheel (£25) – G Pailing
- Frequent Flyers (£25) – I Bagshaw, H Weaver, J Menzies, J Whitney, I Ward

The membership fees for Wild Bikes Cycling Club will remain at £15 (+£1 to British Cycling), however the decision has been made to move the renewal date from November 1st to April 1st as it’s more in line with the cycling season. The next renewal date will be 1st April 2019 which means all current members will gain 5mths of free membership this year.
Club Funds:
The club bank account remains buoyant and is still growing a small amount year on year. We have asked for members ideas on how you would like the club to utilise these funds. If you have any ideas you’d like the committee to consider please send your idea over by email or the contact us page on the website. Alternatively pop along to the next committee meeting and raise it over a drink. WBCC is a club for its members, so please don’t be afraid to get involved.
Full minutes from the AGM will be available to club members, please email the club if you would like a copy of these.
I hope to see you all out on a ride in the near future
Kirsty Merriman
WBCC Secretary